HSG6 - VLAN Steering over captive portal login

In this scenario, we showcase how we can use captive portal features to dynamically steer users to their respective VLANs based on user profile. Traditionally, if we want to assign authorized users to different networks, we need to run multiple SSID to map to multiple VLAN and multiple portals for different profile of users. Then users need to choose their respective SSID to connect and sign-in to their respective network. This can be confusing to users and it's also very hard to maintain Wi-Fi configurations.

Our Dynamic VLAN assignment (VLAN steering) over captive portal authentication significantly simplifies wireless configuration and improves network security. You just need to provision a single SSID on wireless setting, and manage all users/VLAN/captive portal settings on HSG. HSG will work with AP to dynamically steer users to their respective VLAN upon successful authentication.


Common use cases

Demo scenario

In this demo scenario, we try to simulate above three cases:

NOTE: You can optionally further apply traffic-shaping/QoS for each VLAN to offer tiered access controls (network & user speed).

Deployment preparation

3-Step deployment from sample config

NOTE: please upgrade your box to firmware version 20191223-1600, and above (follow this guide to upgrade firmware)

Sample config default settings