Portal sticky (seamless relogin)
Portal sticky is another method to enable user seamless relogin. Upon a user first successful authentication, when the same user comes back with the same device during account validity period, mbox can autologin for this user without user having to re-key in their username & password to the login portal.
Note there are some fundamental differences between "client-sticky" and "portal-sticky" features:
"client-sticky" allows relogin once user connects to the network with an IP address and the autologin is done by HSG hotspot engine.
"client sticky" only works for on-premise design, with a local HSG gateway
The autologin is triggered by any type of connection requests (either web or non-web connection).
After autologin, user gets full access and can not be redirected to another URL.
The "client-sticky" session validity is configurable by setting "start" or "last" day of login (follow CLI guide)
"client-sticky" is more seamless to users, as they can start using any apps once connect to network. It's usually used for large venues (eg. airport, hotels, etc) where Wi-Fi marketing features are not required.
"portal-sticky" requires user to initiate a browsing session (web connection only) to trigger the captive portal and the autologin is done by captive portal.
"portal sticky" works for both on-premise and cloud design, eg. local gateway can be HSG, HSA, or MAP (wifidog).
The autologin is triggered by user browsing request (web connection), although most mobile devices will auto trigger this browsing request (a CNA feature).
After autologin, user can be redirected to another marketing URL.
The "portal-sticky" session validity follows RADIUS "data-lifetime" (configured from CLI)
"portal sticky" is good for venues requiring Wi-Fi marketing features, as it can redirect user to a marketing URL or banner ads page after auto relogin, while still enjoying a seamless experience.
NOTE: "portal sticky" is disabled by default. you can enable it on a per portal (per VLAN) basis.
Enable "portal sticky" for the target captive portal