Configure wireless settings
Below steps show basic HSA configurations scenario: create one for guest access (eg. SSID = mbox)
Go to wireless settings (Network --> Wifi). Remove existing un-needed config. Click Add next to the radio interface to add new SSID. (note: Configure same SSID settings to both radio (2.5Ghz, 5Ghz)).
1. Network --> Wifi --> Device configuration-->"General setup" tab, (optional) change radio channel to desired channels.
2. Network --> Wifi --> Device configuration-->"Advanced settings" tab, change mode and country code.
3. Network --> Wifi --> Interface Configuration --> "General Setup" tab, Change SSID name (eg. mbox), and create to a new network segment for wireless users (eg. mbox).
If you're using HSA purely as a AP only, just need to map the SSID to wan network (assume uplink is connected to WAN port)
if you're bridging wireless users and LAN users in the same subnet, just map to lan network.
4. Network --> Wifi --> Interface Configuration --> "Wireless Security" tab, configure encryption & authentication settings
5. Network --> Wifi --> Interface Configuration --> "MAC filer" tab, optional configure MAC filter to allow or disable list of devices based on MAC address
Save & Apply
NOTE: For dual band configuration, repeat above steps for the other radio interface.