Configure high availability (VRRP)

mbox (CMG, HSG, HSA) uses standard VRRP protocol for network redundancy or high availability (HA).

Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol (VRRP) creates a VIP (virtual IP address) and enables automatic failover between gateways within the same VRRP group, so that clients sharing the VIP (as default gateway) experience no downtime as long as one of the gateway (within the same VRRP group) is still alive.

We can configure several gateways for the same VRRP group, and the one with highest priority within the same group becomes MASTER, holding the VIP. If MASTER fails, the next highest priority gateway will immediately become MASTER and take over the VIP, etc.

!interface eth 0 enable ip address dhcp!interface eth 1 enable!interface vlan 1 100 enable ip address vrrp-group 100  state MASTER  priority 120  authentication Letmein99  virtual_ipaddress  start!interface vlan 1 101 enable ip address vrrp-group 101  state SLAVE  priority 80  authentication Letmein99  virtual_ipaddress  start!

Optional features:


Useful troubleshooting commands:

show interface vlansshow ip interface briefshow interface brief