HSA quick start

HSA is a powerful SD-WAN Router, integrated with routing, firewall, wireless and hotspot access controller, all features in a powerful embedded appliance. It is primarily used for smaller network setup, with no more than 5 APs, and is an ideal choice for F&B outlets, restaurants, retail shops and SME offices etc.

There are two main use cases for HSA:

This guide provides a quick start to configure basic network settings and bring HSA online, such that we can remotely push more advanced settings to enable respective services, eg. SD-WAN or captive portal features, through mfusion cloud (although all the config can be done locally for HSA also).

Quick mbox deployment

The easiest way to deploy mbox HotSpot Gateway (HSG) or HotSpot Access (HSA) is to restore sample configs from our online documentation.



There're two ways to access and mange HSA configurations:

1. Locally, through GUI or console/SSH

2. Remotely, through cloud mfusion (recommended)

Manage HSA through local LAN via GUI

 Connect your PC to one of HSA LAN port, using DHCP IP address assignment.

- on PC, use ipconfig/ifconfig to verify you're getting 192.168.1.x IP address, gateway

- on PC, use browser, login with root/Letmein99

Manage HSA through mfusion portal (see video demo)

NOTE: This is assuming that your HSA is already provisioned/added to mfusion portal.

Manage HSA through local console via CLI

The HSA hardware comes with console port for physical access, in case all remote access options are not possible. Below is the console setting:

Baud rate: 115200Data bits: 8Parity: noneStop bits: 1RTS/CTS: none

 Similarly, default login support/Letmein99