Cloud-hosted portals

Captive portal presents an interactive and customizable web interface for users to login and authenticate to mbox HSG/HSA/MAP, before they're granted with Internet access.

This section focuses on how to manage and customize portals that are hosted on RansNet cloud HSG or service providers' HSG, which are multi-tenanted mbox appliances hosting multiple partners/customers' users, hosts and captive portals.

1. Login to mbox portal

Each partner will be given a partner login ID. After login with partner ID, partner can create customer entity and customer login accounts; customers should get login ID directly from their solution providers (RansNet partners) who would create their respective entity and accounts.

2. Create portal using templates

After login, Go to CMS -> Create New

Another way to create portal is to preview and select your preferred templates. Go to CMS -> Left Side Menu -> Templates

3. Customizing your Captive Portals