06. mfusion training
mfusion LAB1: Monitor and manage mbox remotely with multi-tenancy control
In this section, we will be training on using mfusion to monitor and manage mbox remotely with multi-tenancy control. This session is specifically useful to partners who need to support massive mbox deployments for many customers.
• Create customer entities and provision customer login accounts
• Add mbox host into mfusion, create customer dashboard
• Import mbox host SSH keys for remote SSH management
• Manage mbox configs centrally for mass deployments
• Navigate mfusion portal to monitor mbox operating status
• Create scheduled reports on mbox performance utilization
mfusion LAB2: cloud provisioning for HSA
This lab covers how to provision customer entity and host configuration & remote deployments for HSA, as part of our SD-WAN solution.
1. Entity provisioning for each customer
2. Host provisioning for each customer
3. Configuration push for each HSA, from entity level (same config for mass deployment)
4. Configuration push for each HSA, from host level (individual config for individual host)
mfusion LAB3: cloud provisioning for HSG/CMG
This lab covers how to remotely push/update configuration for HSG/CMG, via cloud mfusion.
1. Entity provisioning for each customer
2. Host provisioning for each customer
3. Initial config push for HSG/CMG
4. Remotely update config for HSG/CMG
mfusion LAB4: config management for mfusion
This lab covers how to modify configs for mbox (CMG, HSG, HSA)
1. config changes management from mfusion
2. config change audit, what's changed? who changed? at what time?
3. config versioning and tracking between versions