Multi-VPN load balancing with OSPF
mbox CMG and HSA both support multi-VPN tunneling, eg. running multiple VPN tunnels at the same time, and it also supports multi-WAN load balancing, and multi-WAN connections (eg. fiber, PPPoE, 3G/LTE etc).
So combining all the technologies together, we can achieve extremely resilient and secure WAN connectivity for any mission-critical business transactions.
Multi-VPN load balancing makes use of multiple WAN connections, with VPN tunnel encryption for each connection, and achieves traffic load balancing across the connections/tunnels. There're two ways to achieve this:
one is to run OSPF across multiple VPN tunnels. This approach allows us to span the VPN tunnel across different VPN gateways. And the load balancing and failover is achieved native OSPF load balancing and fail-over capabilities.
another way is to bond multiple VPN tunnels as a logical connection. This approach usually has all the tunnels terminated on the same VPN gateway.